Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Helping Dad

Sometimes Dave needs us to help him at a job site.  On this particular day we only had to deliver 4 rolls of sod and some loose dirt.  The plan was to do that in the morning while Isaac was at school so the other 2 boys and I could take the work truck to make the delivery.  However, it POURED in the morning, so we needed to make the delivery in the afternoon.  Therefore it had to go in the car in order for there to be room for all the carseats.  I tell you, not everyone puts rolls of sod and loose dirt in their car (which was brand new when we purchased it at the end of February)!  Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do!  Now I really need to clean the inside of the car though.

The boys also enjoy helping around the yard at our place.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - you are brave! I love the pictures of your boys with the trimmer. You must train them young! Such sweet little helpers!
